The Role of Teachers in Improving Student Achievement at Madrasah Aliyah DDI Soni

  • Abul Khaer Al-Ashary
  • Sidik Sidik
  • Sitti Hasnah


In student learning efforts, teachers are required to have multiple roles so as to create effective learning conditions. Student achievement in all levels of education is largely determined by the way the teacher teaches. Therefore, the teacher has a very important role to strive for perseverance in learning and progress in learning through various paths that can be taken so that student learning achievement increases. That is why every educational innovation, especially in the curriculum and the improvement of human resources that education strives for, always boils down to the teacher factor. This shows how important the role of teachers in education is. Likewise, in student learning efforts, teachers are required to have multiple roles so that they are able to create effective learning conditions. In order to teach effectively, teachers must increase learning opportunities for students and improve the quality of their teaching. The way of teaching itself is a series of patterns and tactical efforts made by the teacher in the classroom to provide students with a number of knowledge, values and skills. Therefore, the teacher has a very important role to strive for perseverance in learning and progress in learning through various paths that can be taken so that student learning achievement increases.
