The lineage of children out of wedlock according to Islamic law

  • Uswatun Hasanah Sampuju
  • Muhammad Akbar
  • Muhammad Syarief Hidayatullah


This article discusses the nasab status of children out of wedlock according to Islamic law. The subject of the article discusses the nasab status of children out of wedlock in Islam. Furthermore, the article that the author adopted aims to find out how the lineage of a child is the result of adultery, by referring to the four schools of thought and the compilation of Islamic law. The data collection technique that the author uses is using library research techniques sourced from books or journal websites. Sources of data in this study are primary and secondary data.

So that in this article concludes that the status of a child out of wedlock in Islamic law is that the child's lineage is cut off from his father, a child out of wedlock follows his mother's lineage and his mother's family only. The father of the child has no obligation to provide a living even though he is biologically his son.

There are four schools that are the author's reference, namely the Imam Shafi'i school, the Abu Hanifah, the Imam Malik and the Ahmad bin Hambal.
