Financing Management and Marketing of Islamic Education Services in the Era of Digital Society/5.0

  • Mardatillah Mardatillah
  • Saepudin Mashuri
  • Dzakiah Dzakiah


The problem examined in this study is how to manage the financing and marketing of Islamic education services in the era of digital/5.0 society.

This study aims to find out how the management of financing and marketing of Islamic education services in the era of digital/5.0 society. This study uses the literature review method by tracing the literature relevant to the topic of discussion. The purpose of this article is to provide an in-depth explanation of the management of financing and marketing of Islamic education services in general, and particularly in the era of digital/5.0 society based on previous and current references. In order to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the management of financing and marketing of Islamic education services in the digital era.

The results of this study indicate that the progress of the times to the era of the industrial revolution 5.0 allows for rapid changes in civilization, considering that the main goal of this era is to open barriers to access technology to all people of the world regardless of social status. This can be seen from the shift in the learning process in the last two years, precisely in 2020, where the implementation of learning has moved from manual classrooms to fully automated digital rooms. So that education marketing in facing the era of society, there are at least four criteria that have always been considered, namely product, price, promotion and distribution which are certainly full of innovation. 
