Philosophical Method In Obtaining Information In Digital Age
This research is entitled “Philosophical Method In Obtaining Information In Digital Age” with an introduction explaining that the development of philosophy is currently very much needed in the digital era. This situation comes to the research problem of how the philosophical method in obtaining information in the digital age dealing with. The objective of this research is that the philosophical method approach will reduce the level of information obtained as false information (hoaxes), and will increase the number of information obtained as true information (facts). This research applied qualitative method specifically through library research.
The results of the study show that the philosophical method uses three understandings, namely: Radical thinking or thinking to the roots, the second is Universal thinking or thinking broadly to obtain a strong source of information, the third is Systematic thinking, or thinking that is required how to think in a structured way. By using this understanding of information in the digital era is to understand what to convey the information, then look for who provided the information, biographies, or views of the character's thoughts, and what is the background of someone in obtaining that information. So that by using the Universal understanding, the main information data source (Primary) and the supporting information data source (Secondary) can be achieved, as well as using the systematic method, the first is the title of the information, the second is the content of the information, the third is the author of the information, the fourth is the date, month and year. With this philosophical method, the information obtained in the digital era is information that has a valid source of information.
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