Analyzing the effect of personality type on student's learning outcomes of the Arabic language at Muhammadiyah Palu boarding school
The objectives of this article are to find out the effect of personality type on student's learning outcomes of Arabic language subjects, the method used is quantitative and causative linear regression and used observation, questionnaire, and documentation as techniques of data collection and observation checklist and questionnaire items and documentation materials as research instruments to collect data. Before Analyzing data, the searcher tested the validity of both variables of personality type and variable learning outcomes, reliability of both X variable and Y variable, normality, coefficient of regression, correlation, and t-test. in Analyzing data the researcher applied data reduction, data display, and data verification then concluded.
Researcher findings showed that (1) five Y variable and five X variable items are validly indicated by both r-counted > r-table 0,304 of Y variable and are also valid indicated by t-counted > r-table 0,304 of X variable, (2)variable X items are reliably indicated by the value of alpha Cronbach's 0,759 > 0,60 and variable Y are also reliably indicated by the value of alpha Cronbach's 0,681 > 0,60, (3) normality test is normally distributed indicated by dots spread follow linear line, (4) coefficient of regression indicated similarity Y = 5966 + 0,580, this regression similarity showed that Y value is determined by X variable, this means that personality type has to affect toward student's learning outcomes. (5) r correlation showed + 0,546 (strong category), (6) t-test showed that sig 0,089< a. (0,04 < 0,05), this means that personality type significantly influenced learning outcomes. This is supported by the coefficient of determination indicated by square value 0,379 that variable X can describe the change of variable Y at 37,9% and the remaining 62,1% is determined by other factors.
Based on the above research finding and description in the preceding chapters related to the effect of personality type on students' learning outcomes at muhammadiah Palu boarding school, the researcher concluded that personality type affects students' learning outcomes.
It is suggested that (1) every teacher should know students' learning types so that transformation of knowledge runs maximally, (2) the teacher uses interesting teaching methods for the students do not feel bored during the learning process (3) the teacher should know the students' personality types to help them overcome their learning problems
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