The Efforts of Islamic Education Teachers to Improve the Effectiveness of Learning during the Outbreak of COVID-19 at SMA Al-Azhar Mandiri Palu

  • Dyah Permatasari
  • Sagaf S. Pettalongi
  • Rusdin Rusdin


This research focuses on the efforts of Islamic education teachers to improve the effectiveness of learning during the outbreak of COVID-19 at SMA Al-Azhar Mandiri Palu. This research also aims and is expected to give more benefits toward the development of learning innovation, especially the data sources and additional information to teachers and headmasters to improve national education. This is qualitative research with a case study approach that obtained the data through observation, interview, and documentation. The data gathered then were analyzed using data reduction techniques, data presentation, data verification, and conclusions. The results show that to improve the effectiveness of learning during the outbreak of COVID-19, Islamic education teachers employed some platforms such as Whatsapp, Zoom, Google Classroom, and Google Meet to run online learning. The teachers also applied a coaching system to improve students’ discipline when following online learning. The development of science and technology can meet the demands of society if all parties increase awareness and sincerity to optimize the utility of education sources even though still limited and far from the ideal concept.
