Modernization Pesantren Education System as the Effort to Face the Challenges in the Globalization Era (a Case Study At Pondok Pesantren Alkhairaat Madinatul Ilmi - Dolo)
Modernization of pesantren/Islamic boarding school education system is an effort to adapt the life of pesantren to the times, which is oriented towards improving the quality, potential and skills as well as mastery of science and technology for students based on the values of Islamic teachings without having to abandon everything that is traditional if it is still relevant. So that it gives birth to graduates who have broad Islamic insight and morals that can lead them to compete in the era of globalization.
The focus of the problems in this study are: first, how is the process of modernizing the education system of Pondok Pesantren Alkhairaat Madinatul Ilmi Dolo in facing the challenges of globalization? and secondly, what are the forms of modernization of the Pondok Pesantren Alkhairaat Madinatul Ilmi Dolo education in facing the challenges of globalization? Therefore, the goal to be achieved in this study is to describe the process of modernizing the education of Pondok Pesantren Alkhairaat Madinatul Ilmi Dolo in facing the challenges of globalization. As well as describing how the forms are in the Pondok Pesantren Alkhairaat Madinatul Ilmi Dolo.
Therefore, to achieve this goal, the researchers used a qualitative research approach by taking a descriptive research design that was used to describe the conditions regarding the modernization of pesantren and their forms in Pondok Pesantren Alkhairaat Madinatul Ilmi Dolo. By making the leadership and several boarders of the cottage as the main informants by using data collection techniques, namely observation, interviews and documentation. Then the data is analyzed by reducing the data, then presenting it and verifying the data either by means of inductive, deductive or comparative.
The results of this study indicate that: (1) The modernization process of the pesantren that occurred at the Pondok Pesantren Alkhairaat Madinatul Ilmi Dolo has actually occurred since this pesantren was founded in 1992 M. was founded by Al-Habib Sayyid 'Idrus bin Salim Al-Jufri (w. 1389 H/1969 M) on 14 Muharram 1349 H / 11 June 1930 M. which since 1957 M. has undergone modernization by integrating general subjects into the curriculum. (2) The forms of modernization of Pondok Pesantren Alkhairaat Madinatul Ilmi Dolo include the first, modernization of the pattern of pesantren leadership. Second, the modernization of educational institutions. Third, modernization of pesantren education curriculum and fourth, modernization of pesantren learning methods.
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