The Concept Of Ta'aruf To Realize The Sakinah Mawaddah And Rahma Family

  • Eko Sumarno
  • Marzuki Marzuki
  • Gasim Yamani


The reality of modern society today, is more likely to have a consumptive, hedonistic, and competitive lifestyle. Such a pattern of life has the potential to cause excessive attitudes or behavior, which leads to individualistic attitudes, or social antipathy. In fact, it leads to self-aggrandizement (egoistic), which leads to hatred, arrogance, revenge and mutual reproach to others. Such conditions have a very negative influence on the journey of a family, if not managed properly, it will bring destruction in social and family relationships. Even though happiness in marriage is the dream of every human being, but the hope to make it happen is not an easy job, one of the factors to obtain happiness is influenced by, the importance of building relationships inside and outside the family itself. The relationship in question is how to build relationships or pray especially with fellow family members themselves, for the realization of a sakinah, mawaddah and rahmah household life. Through a literature review using qualitative descriptive analysis, this paper wants to answer the question of how the concept of ta'aruf in realizing a sakinah, mawaddah and rahmah family?
