The Influence Of Social Media As A Communication Tool Towards Changes In Universal Social Behavior (A Study on the Views towards the Effect of Social Media as a Communication Media in Cyberspace)

  • Rustam Rustam
  • Sagaf S. Pettalongi
  • Rusdin Rusdin


The advancement of information technology has brought massive influence and changes in various fields of human life. One of the most significant is interaction and communication in cyberspace. The social media space has made the pattern of human behavior in various parts of the world experience a shift in culture, norms and ethics. Likewise, Indonesia, with a large population and various cultures, ethnicities, races and religions, cannot avoid the turmoil and hegemony of the development of information communication and the latest technology. Various age groups use social media to obtain and convey information. Is it an actual reality, or is it just the hegemony of language as a means of communication that can create a universal multilateral social influence that triggers world attention? What about the trend 4.0 to the new face of 5.0, which is and will be starting?
