Student’s Response To The Integration Of Al-Qur’an Values On The Concept Of Electric Field Strength

  • Mohammad Djamil M Nur
  • Hartati Hartati
  • Fusthaathul Rizkoh


This study aims to determine students' responses to the integration of Al Qur'an values in the Electricity and Magnet course, especially in the concept of electric field strength. This research is a survey study. Sampling is carried out using the saturation sampling method so that all members of the population are used as samples.   Student responses are measured using a questionnaire consisting of three aspects, namely spiritual attitudes, interests/ interests, and student clarity/understanding of learning electricity and magnet courses, especially in the concept of electric field strength.  This research instrument is a student response to the integration of Al Qur'an values in the Electricity and Magnet course on the concept of electric field strength with a percentage of 80.5%, by showing interesting results. Based on these findings, the integration of the value of the Al Qur'an in the learning process can be used as an alternative in the learning process of the Electricity and Magnet course.
