The Effect Of Halal Labels and Online review on Halal Cosmetic Purchasing Decision

  • Sitti Aisya
  • Nurdin Nurdin
  • Nur Indah S. Pabontong


Cosmetics have become a new requirement for the Muslim community in purchasing for various cosmetic products. This is due to the increasing awareness of the Muslim community to meet the demands of Islamic religious values ​​in shopping for various products. The sale of halal products that comply with Islamic Shari'a standards has had an impact on the number of positive consumer reviews in online media on companies and their various products. However, research on the relationship between halal labels and online reviews on the purchase of halal products is still very limited. For this reason to choose a cosmetic business in the city of Palu. This study used a quantitative method with a survey approach with sample consisted of 68 people from the city of Palu used a Liker scale with five alternative choices and analyzed using SPSS version 21. The results of this study showed that halal labels and online reviews had a significant effect on the purchase of halal cosmetic products. The results of this study contribute to the knowledge that halal labels and positive reviews in the online world can influence the Muslim community to buy the halal cosmetic products. Our findings also means that currently more and more Muslim consumers are paying attention to halal issues not only with primary products such as food products, but halal issues have also increasingly penetrated into secondary products, such as  fashion and cosmetic products. The implication of this research is the need for various companies engaged in fashion and cosmetics to pay more attention to halal requirements in producing various cosmetic products. This study has a limitation, where  the number of samples were relatively low. In the future, there is a need for other studies involving larger and wider samples in order to increase the validity of the research results.
