The Correlation Discourse of the Quran Verses in the Tafsir Fi Żilāli Al-Qurān By Sayyid Quṭb

  • Khaeruddin Yusuf
  • Fadhl Hadi Waziin
  • A. Markarma


This research discusses the correlation discourse of al-Quran verses in tafsir Fī Żilāli al-Qurān by Sayyid Qutb. Tafsir Fī Żilāli al-Qurān is a modern interpretation which is very comprehensive for discusses the correlation of the verses of the Qurān. By using a qualitative descriptive-analytic method with a historical-sociological approach, this article concludes that tafsir Fī Żilāli al-Qurān seeks to explore the beauty of the verses of the Qurān by analyzing the correlation contained therein. Generally, this interpretation explains that there are two forms of correlation of the verses of the Qurān. First: the correlation contained in one verse. Second: the correlation contained in the collection / group of verses. Tafsir Fī Żilāli al-Qurān describes that the words and sentences in the verse have consistency and harmony as well as a strong correlation between one another. Therefore, to explore the interpretation of verses, firsly tafsir Fī Żilāli al-Qurān explains the correlation of the verses in a surah. The correlation between the verses of the Qurān described in each group of verses is: the correlation between the verses in one paragraph, the correlation between paragraphs in one chapter and the correlation between the opening and closing of the verse. There are other forms of correlation of the various verses of the Qurān used in the Tafsir Fī Żilāli al-Qurān, such as thematic correlation, expressive correlation and psychological correlation, in the end tafsir Fī Żilāli al-Qurān describes that the Qurān as a whole is a unity that does not inseparable.
