Conceptualizing Learning Experience of Students in Indonesian Vocational Education and Training (VET)

  • Ruslin Ruslin
  • Ahmad Syahid
  • Muhammad Syarief Hidayatullah
  • Dzakiah Dzakiah
  • Hijrah Syam


The notion of learning experience can be attributed to the founder of Experience-Based Learning Systems (EBLS), David Kolb. The main elements of learning experience covered concrete experience; observation and reflection of the experience; developing abstract concepts based upon reflection; and testing the new concepts. This paper was aimed to examine and elaborate how the learning experience of students in Vocational Education and Training (VET) was conceptualized. In particular, two main issues were elaborated: the learning experience of students in the workplace and the role of instructors in helping and support students learn in the workplace. This paper was fully based on the library research. The data and information were derived from different resources such as books, journal articles, proceedings, chapter books, handbooks that were relevant to the issues being discussed. The data collection was carried out through observations and conceptualizations of learning experiences of students in two different settings (school and workplace). The implication of this paper is to inform educational stakeholders especially those who are in the field of VET to provide a well-developed and integrated curriculum from which a good and effective learning experience of students in workplace can be achieved. Hence, it is suggested to have a case study for better portraying the needs for effective learning in the workplace.
